Cats are my favorite!
Here are some of the cats I've had over the years!
Star and Misty
- Star: 1992-2010 Misty:1992-2009
- Our first set of cats! Star was a little aloof, but Misty was very affectionate.
Daxter and GIR
- Daxter: 2004-2016 GIR:2004-2012
- Both from a stray we took in for a bit. Daxter was my brother's and a livewire, while GIR was mine and very motherly.
Armand and Lestat
- Armand: 2005-2020 Lestat:2005-2011
- My mom took these two in. Lestat was very bad about getting out. Armand was very attached to me and wasn't afraid to let me know he was hungry. Unfortuately, I can't find a pic of Lestat, but this is Armand.
Chester and Nico
- Both boys were born in 2019 and our current cats!
- My dad took in a stray during a winter storm and we ended up with these cool dudes. Chester is my brother's and Nico is mine. Chester loves to be held and Nico is a very good hunter!
Here are some cat tips! (this is not medical advice)
- Slow blinking and flopping on their belly means a cat trusts you
- Don't use your hands or feet to play, only use toys. Otherwise you'll get plenty of scratches.
- Try to keep a set schedule for feeding that way they only bug you once or twice a day.
- Wet food is preferable, but throwing in some dry food doesn't hurt. Just keep an eye on calories and carbs.
- Check-ups with your vet are very important! Even if you think your cat looks fine.